Management and Decision-making procedures
Management and decision-making in the Carlsberg Foundation are carried out in accordance with the Danish Commercial Foundations Act, the foundation’s charter and the board of directors’ rules of procedure. Read more about the foundation’s decision-making procedures.
The Carlsberg Foundation’s main tasks encompass, on the one hand, ownership of Carlsberg A/S and, on the other hand, the philanthropic undertakings set out in the charter. The philanthropic undertakings relate to the Carlsberg Research Laboratory, support for basic research, Frederiksborg • Museum of National History and the Tuborg Foundation. These are referred to in the charter as departments of the Carlsberg Foundation, but are managed in different ways.
The Carlsberg Foundation is managed by a board of directors consisting of five members elected, in accordance with the charter, by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters from among its members, with three members from the natural sciences class and two members from the humanities and social sciences class.
The foundation’s secretariat is led by an executive management consisting of the CEO, the head of secretariat and the bursar.
Day-to-day management of the Carlsberg Research Laboratory (which is organisationally part of Carlsberg A/S), Frederiksborg • Museum of National History and the Tuborg Foundation has also been established to assist the foundation’s board with implementing its decisions and carrying out day-to-day operations.
In relation to managing the portfolio, the foundation has also established an investment committee, which advises the board on the foundation’s investments of free cash flow.
Management and decision-making in the Carlsberg Foundation are carried out in accordance with the Danish Commercial Foundations Act, the foundation’s charter and the board of directors’ rules of procedure, which are described in the following.
The board also follows the Recommendations on Foundation Governance.
The foundation is managed by a board of directors consisting of five members elected from among the Danish members of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.
The board of directors serves the foundation’s purpose and interests, and, in addition to carrying out general and strategic management, the board ensures sound organisation of the foundation’s activities, including that:
- The accounting and presentation of financial statements are performed in a manner that is satisfactory relative to the foundation’s status.
- The necessary procedures for risk management and internal controls are established.
- The board of directors continuously receives the necessary reporting on the foundation’s financial circumstances.
- The secretariat carries out its work in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the board of directors’ guidelines.
- The financial resources are adequate at all times, including that there is sufficient liquidity to meet the foundation’s current and future liabilities as they fall due, and the board of directors is therefore required at all times to assess the financial position and ensure that the available financial resources are adequate.
The chairperson arranges, convenes and chairs the board meetings with a view to ensuring the effectiveness of the board’s work and creating the best possible conditions for board members’ work both individually and collectively. Furthermore, the chairperson, together with the secretariat, prepares a meeting plan for the year, which is sent out to the individual board members.
Normally, the board of directors holds 9-11 ordinary monthly meetings a year, including at least one meeting where the board considers the foundation’s general strategy and awards policy, as well as an annual accounts meeting where the foundation’s financial statements are approved. In addition, telephone and video meetings are held ad hoc as needed.
At the board meetings, the board decides on, among other things, the following:
- Approval of awards for the foundation’s four general objects
- Determination of the foundation’s strategy
- Approval of the foundation’s budget and financial statements
- Approval of decisions on performance of the controlling shareholder role in Carlsberg A/S
- Approval of the foundation’s investment policy for free cash flow
- Approval of all significant or essential agreements and activities
- Other general policies.
The board of directors has appointed a quaestor, who is responsible for ensuring that accounts, budgets and portfolio management are in conformity with current legislation, the charter and the board of directors’ instructions.
Transactions that, relative to the foundation’s status, entail administrative expenses of an unusual and substantial nature, as well as extraordinary expensive transactions, are only carried out with the prior approval of the Danish Business Authority. The foundation has, on certain occasions, taken such unusual or extraordinary decisions with the approval of the Danish Business Authority.