Kim Ryholt
Board Member
Professor, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen (Humanities). Born June 19, 1970 First elected in 2024, current term expires in 2028.
Other positions held
- Carlsbergfondets Forskerboliger A/S, board member
- Faxehus ApS, board member
- CF Komplementarselskab ApS, board member
- Dantes Plads 3 P/S, board member
- Carlsberg Akademi P/S, board member
- Ny Kongensgade 20 P/S, board member
- Carlsberg Mindelegat, board member
- Professor Johs. Pedersen og hustru Thora, født Gertz' Legat, board member
- Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, board member
- Danish Egyptological Society, board member
Appointed from the humanities class of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in accordance with the foundation’s charter.
Is the member regarded as independent: Yes
Holding of shares, options, warrants etc. in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies: None