Our purposes
Read about our purposes, main tasks and strategy.
The Carlsberg Foundation is an enterprise foundation with a philanthropic purpose. Our objects are to ensure value creation in Carlsberg A/S through our long-term, active ownership, and to grant funding for philanthropic purposes connected with our four departments.
The objects are defined in our charter, which determines and guides our overall work.
Furthermore, the Carlsberg Foundation is governed by the Danish Commercial Foundations Act and is subject to supervision by the Danish Business Authority.

In brief
The Carlsberg Foundation was established in 1876 by brewer J.C. Jacobsen and is the world’s oldest enterprise foundation with responsibility for an industrial undertaking. In compliance with the terms of the will of J.C. Jacobsen, all of the brewer’s property, including the Old Carlsberg Brewery, passed to the Carlsberg Foundation in 1888. Today, the foundation is the principal shareholder and holds a controlling share of votes in Carlsberg A/S.
History repeated itself in 1902, when J.C. Jacobsen’s son, Carl Jacobsen, transferred his New Carlsberg Brewery to the Carlsberg Foundation and at the same time established the New Carlsberg Foundation as an independent foundation under the Carlsberg Foundation.
As the principal shareholder in Carlsberg A/S, the Carlsberg Foundation holds around 76 per cent of the votes and around 29 per cent of the equity. Consequently, each year the Carlsberg Foundation receives almost 30 per cent of the profits from the global brewing operations. Of this, a certain proportion goes to the New Carlsberg Foundation.
It is on this basis that historically the two foundations have been among the most important and durable private foundations in Denmark when it comes to supporting science and art.
Our charter
The Carlsberg Foundation was established by brewer J.C. Jacobsen under a charter and deed of gift in 1876. The charter comprises the foundation’s articles of association and sets out the framework for our activities, our organisation, and our financial and legal affairs. The Carlsberg Foundation’s charter thus deals with our commercial and philanthropic objects and activities. Furthermore, it defines the framework for our management and governance. The Carlsberg Foundation’s charter has been adapted over time. Changes are made with the approval of the foundation’s board of directors, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, and the Danish Business Authority.
Our charter
Our purposes
To ensure the Carlsberg Foundation’s long-term ownership of Carlsberg A/S and to develop the art of making beer to the highest possible degree of perfection.
To award grants for philanthropic purposes, as set out in the Carlsberg Foundation’s charter.
Main tasks
The Carlsberg Foundation’s main tasks encompass ownership of Carlsberg A/S and the philanthropic commitments set out in the charter. The philanthropic commitments relate to the Carlsberg Research Laboratory, support for basic research, Frederiksborg • Museum of National History and the Tuborg Foundation. These are referred to in the charter as departments of the Carlsberg Foundation, but are managed in different ways.
Ownership of Carlsberg A/S
To ensure the long-term ownership by retaining a voting majority in Carlsberg A/S.
The Carlsberg Foundation’s commercial commitments are fulfilled primarily through the foundation’s representation on the board of directors of Carlsberg A/S.
The Carlsberg Research Laboratory (department A)
To award funding to the Carlsberg Research Laboratory and ensure that the use of the Carlsberg Foundation’s funding is in accordance with the objects set out in the charter.
Support for basic research (department B)
To promote and support the natural sciences as well as mathematics and philosophy, the humanities and the social sciences.
Frederiksborg • Museum of National History (department C)
To maintain and develop Frederiksborg • Museum of National History.
The Tuborg Foundation (department D)
To award funding for socially beneficial purposes through the Tuborg Foundation, especially in support of Danish trade and industry.
Our strategy
The Carlsberg Foundation has drawn up a strategy that sets the direction for the foundation’s development work in the period 2023-2027.
In accordance with the charter:
- 8 per cent of the Carlsberg Foundation’s funding should go to the Carlsberg Research Laboratory (department A).
- 13 per cent of the foundation’s funding should go to the Tuborg Foundation (department D).
- Frederiksborg • Museum of National History (department C) should be awarded funding in accordance with the budget.
- The remaining funding should be awarded for basic scientific purposes within the natural sciences, the social sciences and the humanities (department B).
Grants 2023
In 2023, the Carlsberg Foundation granted funding totalling DKK 806 million. The funding was made up as follows:
The Carlsberg Research Laboratory (department A)
DKK million
Support for basic research (department B)
DKK million
Frederiksborg • Museum of National History (department C)
DKK million
The Tuborg Foundation (department D)
DKK million