Tuborg Foundation
The Tuborg Foundation’s philanthropic objective is to support Danish industry. The foundation supports a diverse range of initiatives that help build bridges between sectors and bring people together in new ways.
The Tuborg Foundation was set up in 1931 to work for the benefit of society and, in particular, support Danish industry. Over time, this objective has been translated into specific action with respect for the wishes of the founder and for today’s social challenges and opportunities.
In brief
The Tuborg Foundation was established on 9 February 1931 by Tuborg Breweries to mark the 40th anniversary of the foundation of The United Breweries A/S. Carlsberg Breweries and Tuborg Breweries merged in 1970, and in 1991 the Tuborg Foundation was brought under the umbrella of the Carlsberg Foundation as a funding committee.
The Tuborg Foundation seeks to support projects involving cross-sector collaboration between civil society, industry and the public sector that promotes development and innovation in industry.
Focus on young communities
The Tuborg Foundation’s strategy for the period 2020-2025 is focused on supporting projects that prepare young people for working life and support their change potential, entrepreneurial spirit and business skills.
Specifically, the Tuborg Foundation supports young people and organisations that strengthen the opportunities for young people to influence and engage with society.
Klimafolkemødet in Middelfart 2023
Part of the Carlsberg Foundation
Since 1991, the Tuborg Foundation has been part of the Carlsberg Foundation and is referred to in the foundation’s charter as department D.
Technically, the Tuborg Foundation is a funding committee within the Carlsberg Foundation.
The Tuborg Foundation receives a fixed amount of 13 percent of the Carlsberg Foundation’s distribution in any given financial year.
The Carlsberg Foundation appoints a funding committee – referred to for historical reasons as a board – consisting of three to seven members. The Carlsberg Foundation is represented on the Tuborg Foundation’s board through one member. The Tuborg Foundation’s board recommends to the Carlsberg Foundation’s board of directors whether applications should be approved or rejected.
The Tuborg Foundation’s board and the Carlsberg Foundation’s CEO employ a head of secretariat, who is responsible for day-to-day management of the Tuborg Foundation and for realising its strategy. The head of secretariat reports to the Tuborg Foundation’s board in matters relating to the foundation’s strategic work and to the Carlsberg Foundation’s CEO in other matters.
The foundation’s management
Day-to-day management: Peter Giacomello Head of Secretariat Board: Trine Nielsen (Chair) Head of Board and adviser (business development, innovation and concept development) Camilla Wang Rector, University College Absalon Ida Mosegaard Schiellerup ESG and sustainability analyst, PensionDanmark Morten Skovdal Professor of user involvement, University of Copenhagen et al. Jens Hjorth Professor, MSc, PhD, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen; member of the Board of Directors, Carlsberg Foundation Allan Fenger CEO, Loop Consulting, entrepreneur and investor Christian Wulff Søndergaard Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Carlsberg Group