About the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes
Each year, the Carlsberg Foundation awards two major prizes to researchers who have made a crucial contribution to basic research: one in the field of natural sciences and one in the field of either humanities or social sciences.
The Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes were instituted in 2011 to mark the bicentenary of the birth of founder J.C. Jacobsen. Each prize of DKK 2 million is awarded on the recommendation of a Prize Committee of Danish and international researchers appointed jointly by the Carlsberg Foundation.
Excellent research
The objective of the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes is to support two active researchers, in Denmark or abroad, who have made crucial contributions to basic research and enjoy widespread scientific recognition. Each prizewinner receives DKK 2 million; DKK 500,000 for personal use and DKK 1,5 million to help fund a research project.
The prizes are intended to encourage further research and the money may be spent as needed on international studies, fieldwork, laboratory equipment or remuneration for scientific assistance.
Prizegiving ceremony
The Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes are presented annually at a distinguished event held at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Members of the Prize Committee in 2025
Professor Mette Birkedal Bruun, University of Copenhagen (chair) Professor Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Professor Anja Groth, University of Copenhagen Professor Peter Landrock, University of Cambridge Professor Klaus Müller-Wille, Universität Zürich