23 science communication projects receive millions in grants from the Carlsberg Foundation
jb@carlsbergfoundation.dkThe Carlsberg Foundation grants DKK 19 million to new, thought-provoking projects that communicate current research. All grants are being awarded following the Science Communication and Carlsberg Mindelegat open calls for applications announced in May this year.
Podcasts, films, events, interviews and festivals. In the near future, all Danes who are interested in science will have free and easy access to 23 new, inspiring science communication activities.
They will be able to listen, for example, to the PLANT LIFE podcast on the potential of plants in an age of climate crisis. Or to attend the PARK science festival in Aarhus, learn about the DANISH DEMOCRACY AND POWER STUDY 2.0 and watch the documentary film THE WHALE MYSTERY, which investigates the reasons for the increase in whale strandings around the world.
Science for all Danes
The grants for the 23 projects have been awarded in open competition following the Science Communication and Carlsberg Mindelegat open calls for applications announced in May this year.
Through the Science Communication instrument, DKK 17.5 million is being allocated to 15 major science communication initiatives organised and implemented by professional communicators. Through Carlsberg Mindelegat, DKK 1.5 million is being allocated to eight projects run by researchers at Danish universities and research institutions wanting to communicate their own research to a wide audience.
“The interest in our science communication instruments has exceeded all our expectations,” says Professor Lasse Horne Kjældgaard, CEO, Carlsberg Foundation. “Since launching them last year, we’ve awarded almost DKK 65 million to exciting projects that disseminate scientific insights and results from the research world to the public at large.”
“It’s particularly encouraging to see so many scientists, both those who are new to research and those who are well-established, trying their hand at science communication with funding from Carlsberg Mindelegat. It’s been our specific intention to support scientists in strengthening their communication skills and increasing their confidence in actively participating in the public conversation and debate.”
Instruments reopen for applications in December
Projects supported through the Science Communication instrument are eligible for a maximum of DKK 3 million, while for projects supported through Carlsberg Mindelegat the maximum is DKK 200,000. For the current funding round, the Carlsberg Foundation received 119 applications for the Science Communication instrument and 30 applications for Carlsberg Mindelegat.
Both instruments are open for applications twice a year, with deadlines on 1 September and 1 March respectively.
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