Proposals invited for the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes 2024
Proposals for the Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes 2024 are now open until 19 February. The prizes will be awarded on 4 September 2024 at the New Carlsberg Glyptotek.
Since 2011, the Carlsberg Foundation has awarded two research prizes each year to scholars who have made crucial contributions to basic research and attracted broad scientific recognition: one in the natural sciences and one in the humanities or social sciences. Proposals are now invited for the 2024 prizes.
All proposals will be assessed by a Prize Committee consisting of scholars from both Denmark and abroad, which will shortlist two candidates for approval by the Carlsberg Foundation’s Board of Directors.
The value of each prize has doubled
The prizes will be awarded on 4 September 2024 at a ceremony at the New Carlsberg Glyptotek.
From 2024, the value of each prize has doubled to DKK 2 million, of which DKK 1.5 million is earmarked for research activities and DKK 500,000 is a personal award. Another change this year is that the administration and processing of proposals will be undertaken by the Carlsberg Foundation’s secretariat in conjunction with the Prize Committee.
Assessment and proposal criteria
The Carlsberg Foundation Research Prizes are awarded to scholars who have made crucial contributions to basic research and attracted broad scientific recognition. Candidates must be active researchers of any nationality employed at a Danish university/research institution or active Danish researchers resident abroad.
They must have achieved outstanding scientific results over a number of years, so helping develop, transform or challenge a scientific field, and must be a scientific role model for younger researchers.
All academic employees at post-doctoral level or above at Danish universities and research institutions may submit a proposal. Previous candidates may be proposed again. Proposers are not permitted to put their own name forward as candidate.
The deadline for proposals is 19 February 2024.
Members of the Prize Committee
A new Prize Committee has been appointed from 2024, chaired by Professor Mette Birkedal Bruun from the University of Copenhagen. Its other members are Professor Gøsta Esping-Andersen from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Professor Anja Groth from the University of Copenhagen, Professor Peter Landrock from the University of Cambridge and Professor Klaus Müller-Wille from Universität Zürich.
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